
Incident Management

Currently sona server has a couple different options for incident management. As of right now incidents can be stored on the local machine sona server is running on, aws's dynamodb, MySQL or in google's Datastore

Selecting an Incident Manager

The file incident manager is selected in the config file provided to sona. The valid options are

  • 0 - runtime
  • 1 - dynamodb
  • 2 - MySQL
  • 3 - Datastore
    "incidentmanagertype": 0

Using runtime incident manager

Warning runtime is volitile and nothing will end up stored after sona server shuts down.

To use the runtime manager use the following json.

    "incidentmanagertype": 0

All incidents will be purged on restart. This is probably only useful for getting a feel for how this service works with the need to setup a database.

Using dynamodb

In order to use dynamodb a couple more configuration options need to be provided. In order to use the dynamodb the current assumption is that you will be running sona server from an EC2 instance with a role that allows for dynamodb access.

To use dynamodb you will need to use json similar to this.

    "incidentmanagertype": 1,
    "dynamodb": {
        "region": "us-east-1"

Using MySQL

In order to use MySQL sona server will have to be able to authenticate with an MySQL server.

There is additional configuration required for this.

    "incidentmanagertype": 2,
    "mysql": {
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "1234",
        "host": "",
        "port": "3306",
        "dbname": "sona"

Using Datastore

In order to use Datastore you will need to create a datastore and you will need to generate a token.json file for access to that datastore. Once this is done you will need to provide this information to sona server.

    "incidentmanagertype": 3,
    "datastore": {
        "projectname": "sona-181109",
        "authfile": "creds.json"