
API documentation

Sona server is a server that uses a REST API to manage incidents. Below is the exposed API.

Method Url Description
POST /sona/v1/incidents Creates an incident.
PUT /sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId} Updates an incident.
GET sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachments Gets an incidents attachments.
POST /sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachment Uploads an attachment to an incident.
GET /sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachment/{attachmentId} Downloads an attachment.
DELETE /sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachment/{attachmentId} Deletes an attachment from an incident.
GET /sona/v1/incidents Gets incidents.
GET /sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId} Gets an incident.

Creating in incident

POST /sona/v1/incidents


Property type Description Required
Type string The type of incident false
Id number The id of the incident false
Description string The description associated with the incident false
Reporter string The individual that reported the incident. true
State string The state the incident is in false
Attributes Map<string, string> Any additional attributes false

Updating an incident

PUT /sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}


Property type Description Required
Type string The type of incident false
Description string The description associated with the incident false
Reporter string The individual that reported the incident. false
State string The state the incident is in false
Attributes Map<string, string> Any additional attributes false

Getting incident attachments

GET sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachments


Property type Description
Attachments Attachment[] List of attachments


Property type Description
FileName string The name of the file
Time string UTC value for when the file was attached.

Adding an attachment to an incident

POST sona/v1/{incidentId}/attachment


multipart/form-data upload file.

Download an attachment

GET sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}


Attachment content

Remove an attachment

DELETE sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}

Get all incidents

GET sona/v1/incidents


Property type Description
Incidents Incident[] List of incidents

Get specific incidents

GET sona/v1/incidents/{incidentId}

Property type Description
Type string The type of incident
Id number The id of the incident
Description string The description associated with the incident
Reporter string The individual that reported the incident.
State string The state the incident is in
Attributes Map<string, string> Any additional attributes