
The Sona Project

Sona (Support Oriented Notification Application) is a open-source project. This project is intended to provide a simple and easy to use web service that allows for the creation and management of incidents.



Sona is a web service that provides a configurable incident management system. Its original intent was to create a simple and easy to configured pipleline for the maintence of software. Sona provides

  • Options for how incidents are stored.
  • Options for how attachments are stored.
  • A REST API to manage incidents
  • Configuration to allow the invocation of other web services.


Sona is recommneded for anyone who wants a free easy to deploy incident tracking system.

Getting Started


  1. Install go 1.8.3+ (
  2. Create a new folder for this project making sure it is in your gopath.
  3. run git clone


  1. Run go get (make sure to grab dependencies)
  2. Run go build in source folder


  1. Run the src(.exe) file with elevated privledges.


Sona offers a couple of configuration options for the application at runtime. In order to run with a configuration run src with the file (inculding path) as a command argument.

Some configuration options to consider would be the incidentmanagertype and filemanagertype. For more information on these configurations see configuration.go