

This project is a library that allows for the creation of text adventure based games. These games are broken down into game states with attached options. Each option has a collection of triggers and a single action. Initially provided triggers and actions are as follows


  • Append Text - Appends text to the text log and shows up in the game.
  • Completion - Completes the current game state with some data (this is how you move from one game state to the next)
  • Execute - Execution allows for the use of the runtime to run other applications such as a web browser.
  • Modify Player - Modifies a player in the game. This allows for the change/addition or removal of any player specific property.
  • Script - Runs some javascript. In this javascript player modifications and other modifications to the runtime can be written.
  • Finish - Finishes the current game.
  • Save - Saves the current game to a file.


  • Text - Fires based off of a defined regular expression.
  • Player - Fires based off of a players state,
  • MultiPart - Fires when all sub-triggers fire (and trigger).
  • Script - Fires when a executed javascript function returns true.

Additional actions and triggers can be created by implementing the IAction or ITrigger interfaces.