


Running your game

You can run your game at any point in time by pressing either the run toolbar item (green play button) or by pressing Run -> Run. Once you have run your game it will start your game from the first game state. No debugging options will be available but this can help you get a feel for what the game will look like to your end user.

Single Debug

You can debug as single game state at any point by pressing either the toolbar debug single item (green bug) or by pressing Run -> Debug Single. This will run one of your game states. Once your game state moves on to another game state the window will update to a screen showing the game state id the game is attempting to move to.

Debugging your game

Game Debugging

You can debug your full game at any time by pressing either the toolbar debug item (many green bugs) or by pressing Run -> Debug. Once you do this your game will run and depending on if you have players or not a player pane will open on the right side of the game. In this player pane when a property is changed the property will be updated with a blue color. When a property is removed it will be updated with a red color. When a property is added it will be updated with a green color.