Class TriggerPersistenceObject

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void addParameter​(ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject parameter)  
      protected void clearParameters()
      Removes all parameters from the parameters section.
      abstract ITrigger convertToTrigger()  
      protected List<ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject> parameters()  
      void prepareXml()
      This must be called before saving the xml otherwise this object will not be saved correctly to the xml file.
      protected void removeParameter​(ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject parameter)  
      String type()  
      protected void type​(String type)  
      • Methods inherited from class ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject

        addChild, addChildren, addConfigurationProperties, addConfigurationProperty, children, clearChildren, clearConfigurationProperties, configurationProperties, getChildObject, getChildValue, getValueType, load, name, name, persist, removeChild, removeChildren, removeConfigurationProperties, removeConfigurationProperty, value, value
    • Method Detail

      • type

        public String type()
        The current actions type.
      • convertToTrigger

        public abstract ITrigger convertToTrigger()
      • type

        protected void type​(String type)
        type - The new type of action.
      • addParameter

        protected void addParameter​(ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject parameter)
        parameter - A list of @see XmlConfigurationObject to add under the parameters section.
      • removeParameter

        protected void removeParameter​(ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject parameter)
        parameter - A list of @see XmlConfigurationObject to remove from the parameters section.
      • clearParameters

        protected void clearParameters()
        Removes all parameters from the parameters section.
      • parameters

        protected List<ilusr.persistencelib.configuration.XmlConfigurationObject> parameters()
        A list of @see XmlConfigurationObject representing the parameters section of the xml.